A great initiative from the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) is the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme for the elderly and social welfare recipients. It’s a scheme that will see us installing cavity wall insulation and attic insulation in several homes in County Kildare this week.
The scheme covers the cost of insulation and other energy-saving measures in non-Local Authority homes built prior to 2006, where residents receive Fuel Allowance, Job Seekers Allowance (and have children under 7 years of age), and/or Family Income Supplement. Landlords can get grants under the scheme too if their tenants meet those conditions.
Today, we’re in Athy to do cavity wall insulation as part of the Warmer Homes Scheme, and as the week goes on, we’ll also hit several other towns and villages in Kildare.
But even if you don’t qualify for this scheme, we can bring top-class cavity wall insulation and attic insulation solutions to your home at reduced cost anyway, thanks to the Home Insulation Grants that are available to all who live in pre-2006 houses. We’ll even help you in filling out your application form! Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form for more information.