The Name You Can Trust | Est. 1984

The ABC of home insulation

It’s a case of the ABC of home insulation for us today, when you look at the three places where we’re busy.

First we’re in Arklow in County Wicklow, doing attic insulation in a home there. The B comes from the village of Ballyvolane in County Cork, where we’re doing cavity wall insulation. And the C is for Cork City itself, where we’ve another cavity wall insulation job on.

We can come to you too, anywhere in Ireland. Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch. Remember we can even help with your Home Insulation Grant application, to get things going.

Learn more about Premier Insulation Services

Premier Insulations are widely experienced in delivering a wide range of insulation upgrades to homeowners both privately and through a range of energy saving schemes provide predominantly by SEAI ( Sustainable Energy authority Of Ireland ).
The most popular energy saving improvements carried out are cavity wall insulation and attic insulation. Cavity wall insulation is advisable in all home with cavities build prior to 2006 and back to around 1970 when cavity walls construction superseded solid concrete or hollow block type walls. The cavities were empty up to around 1980 when building regulation required that 25mm areoboard be installed at construction stage to improve the energy efficiency of the walls. This was revisited circa 1988 when the requirement was revised to 40mm and again in 1994 the minimum required standard was 60mm.

In 2006 new building regulations were implemented which meant the required u-values could not be achieved with areoboard and there was a switch over to polyurethane boards as produced by Kingspan and others. A recommendation was made by those in the department, seai and other interested bodies that homes build with cavity walls prior to 2006 where the preferred method of cavity insulation be revisited and residual cavities pumped with platinum bonded bead to increase the thermal efficiencies. As a result of this government led initiate thousands of homes have and are benefitting from energy upgrades right across the island of Ireland .

Attic insulation upgrades were also part of the initiate and 300mm minimum install was required together with ancillary works such as pipe insulation , raised walkways , hatch insulation and draught proofing . The better energy homes and better energy warmer homes programmes are respectively grant aided or fully grant funded and have been widened to deep retrofit measures over. The last few years to include external wall insulation , internal wall insulation , windows and doors and heating upgrades and controls .
All this reduces Ireland’s co2 emissions , helps to provide a cleaner greener Ireland and protects our future generations against the damaging consequences of global warming.

Cavity Wall Insulation Extraction Service

Whilst cavity wall insulation is always worthwhile and adds value to your home in terms of comfort and value , there are sometimes good reasons to have the insulation extracted. Some of the reasons may be for instance poor workmanship at the insulation filling process leaving gaps in the insulation and leading to cold spots on the inner leaf manifesting in mild dew or black spots.

It may be that the insulation has been in the cavity for a long time and was originally a poor quality product which has fissured or diminished in effectiveness over a period and is of little value in terms of heat retention in the home. There is also the reason that the products on the market at the time of installation were than fit for purpose but have been superseded by more effective products due to continuing research and development within the industry.

Many homeowners believe that once the cavities have been filled as a retrofit measure no further improvements can be made in the event of the insulation becoming obsolete or ineffective. This was indeed the case up until about three years ago when technology became available for the removal of ineffective foams / wools / beads and other insulation materials. It is now becoming quite common for homeowners to engage competent contractors to remove the existing cavity wall insulation and replace it with high performance bonded beads or foams.

Premier insulations can offer this service and with 30 years plus experience in installing various types of cavity fill who is more experienced to analyse what existing insulation is in your cavity walls , to remove same safely and efficiently and refill with platinum bonded beads. Premier Insulations have already carried out numerous extractions throughout the length and breath of Ireland and you can be assured you are dealing with a highly reputable and respected company for your cavity fill or insulation extraction works.

Bonded beads or Foamfill

Premier insulations offer two types of cavity insulation for filling empty cavities typically that of a new build or homes constructed prior to 1980 which had empty cavities. The two products are Certainfill platinum bonded beads and Foamfill premier pressurised injected foam . Because the thermal conductivity of both products are pretty similar , bonded bead is usually the best choice for empty cavities as the cost is less than that of the Foamfillpremier system.

Bonded beads are injected through predrilled holes at a specific pattern and very little pressure is used other than that to blow the beads through the delivery hoses and into the cavity, because the cavity is empty the beads easily fill the cavity without any problem. Cavities in new build properties tend to be six or even eight inches wide nowadays so very good thermal values can be achieved with the bead system.

The story is somewhat different when you are retrofitting cavities that had areoboard or similar fitted whilst under construction. Quite frequently this board will be poorly fitted and may be ‘bellied out ‘ in places where the mortar joints were not cleaned on the cavity side . These mortar snots can keep the board out from the inner leaf reducing the residual cavity significantly which would seriously impede the flow of bead which requires a minimum of 40mm for dispersion . Foamfill is the ideal solution for filling these type of cavities as the foam is injected into the cavity under 140lbs pressure , the foam texture is similar to shaving foam and the high pressure ensures it completely fill and seals the entire cavity. The Foamfill performs particularly well in filling the corners where the areoboard may have been poorly joined leaving large u insulated gaps and cold spots.
Foamfill can improve the thermal performance of the walls by up to 300%.

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On The Road with Premier Insulations

How to get home insulation grants

We’re always asked ‘how much will cavity wall insulation/attic insulation’ cost me?’ – and our answer is ‘less than you probably think’.

That’s because there’s grant aid available towards the cost of it. ALL homes built prior to 2006 are eligible for home insulation grants from the SEAI.

We are proud to also announce that, as Energy Efficiency Partners with Electric Ireland, we can also offer ADDITIONAL grant savings ON TOP of the SEAI grant.

This could mean TOTAL SAVINGS OF UP TO 50% on your cavity wall insulation and attic insulation. They’re savings that are being made today by customers in Donnabate (Dublin) and Athy (Kildare), as we carry out cavity wall insulation in both places.

We’ll explain the whole grant process to you and we can even help you fill out the application form. Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch.

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On The Road with Premier Insulations

Home insulation for city and country

Efficient home insulation is important whether you’re in the city or the countryside – and we’re doing both today.

We’ve a team bound for the South Circular Road in Dublin, to install cavity wall insulation in a home there. Meanwhile, another of our crews is busy at a home close to Tullamore in Offaly, doing attic insulation. Both homes will begin to benefit straight away from all that proper insulation brings – i.e. cosier living space and reduced heating bills.

Those are benefits we can bring to you too, no matter where you are in Ireland. Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch. We can even help with your Home Insulation Grant application, to get things moving for you.

Insulation is no joke!

It’s the first of April today and so we’re watching out for jokers, but we do know that proper home insulation is not a laughing matter.

Efficient cavity wall insulation can see your home retain up to 35 per cent more heat and attic insulation can retain a futher 20 per cent, so it all adds up to a much warmer home and much lower heating bills.

To learn more about out cavity wall insulation and attic insulation solutions, and what we can do for you, just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form.

Warming up Wicklow and Westmeath

The letter ‘w’ is getting plenty of usage on our schedule today as we set off to warm up homes in Counties Wicklow and Westmeath.

In Wicklow, we’re doing attic insulation in a house close to Wicklow town, while in Westmeath, we’re off to cavity wall insulation in Mullingar in a home there.

It’s all part of our service of bringing expert cavity wall insulation and attic insulation solutions to people all over Ireland, in places from A to Z – even if we can’t think of an Irish place name that actually starts with a Z!

You can get us to work for you too, so that your home retains up to 35% more of its heat, and you see drastically reduced heating bills. Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form. Remember you can even ask for help in filling out your Home Insulation Grant application.

We’re Dublin-bound

We’ll be spending a lot of time at cavity wall insulation in Dublin this week, as customers all over the capital have asked us to make their houses warmer and more cosy.

Today, we’re in both Crumlin and Harold’s Cross, installing bonded bead cavity wall insulation in one place, and Foam Fill cavity wall insulation in the other.

They’re insulation solutions that thousands of householders across Ireland are already enjoying, and we can bring their benefits to you too. Call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch, and remember how your Home Insulation Grant application can help make things even more affordable.

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On The Road with Premier Insulations

At work in Carlow and Dublin

We’re hard at work in Counties Carlow and Dublin today, with two home insulation jobs on the go in each location.

In Carlow, we’re doing cavity wall insulation in both Rathvilly and Tullow, while in Dublin, it’s attic insulation at Lusk and Coolock.

We can bring our attic insulation and cavity wall insulation systems and expertise to you too, no matter where you are in Ireland – you wouldn’t expect anything less from Ireland’s leading home insulation company! Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch, and we’ll tell you what we can do for you.

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