The Name You Can Trust | Est. 1984

The ABC of home insulation

It’s a case of the ABC of home insulation for us today, when you look at the three places where we’re busy.

First we’re in Arklow in County Wicklow, doing attic insulation in a home there. The B comes from the village of Ballyvolane in County Cork, where we’re doing cavity wall insulation. And the C is for Cork City itself, where we’ve another cavity wall insulation job on.

We can come to you too, anywhere in Ireland. Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch. Remember we can even help with your Home Insulation Grant application, to get things going.

Heating and insulation in the home

many homeowners when considering either upgrading or building a home are aware that heating their home will be a very expensive running. Cost over the years of occupancy. The common mistake is focussing on the actual heating system rather than allowing an equally amount of research and money in how they are going to insulate their home. I often say that you can heat a field if you put in enough heaters to do so, however as you will probably instantly agree a field would be very quickly clod again once the heat source was switched off .

Your home is the same, whilst the source of your heat and the cost is very important , it is much more important to retain that expensive heat within the habitable area of the house when you remove or turn of the heat source. As we move towards passive homes the importance of really good insulation is becoming more and more important.

For example; an A rated home which would have really good insulation, a top class heating and ventilation recovery system and first class air tightness would have no heat loss and require no traditional heating system as we know it. We cannot all build A rated homes but we can take steps to deep retrofit our existing homes and dramatically improve our energy efficiency whilst reducing our carbon footprint and saving money in the process.

Typical measures which are relatively inexpensive to install are, cavity wall insulation, attic insulation, heating controls and energy saving lightening. We can also be more vigilant in running our homes by switching off lights, turning down our thermostats by even one degree and having showers instead of baths. We in Ireland have not been particularly good at playing our part in a voluntary capacity to reduce carbon emissions and with a little better housekeeping by everyone we can play our part and enjoy monetary saving whilst doing so .

House Insulation In Ireland

Premier Insulations have over 40 years experience in the delivery of home insulation retrofit measures in Ireland.
Premier specialise in cavity fill insulation for both exiting homes and new built homes whom want to get it right from the start.

So your considering wall insulation for a new home you are constructing . You will have many choices and different architects will have varying opinions as to the best methodology of wall insulation. Most new homes with the exception of IFC homes will be built with a cavity. Some arcitects will specify a board type insulation be it polystyrene board or polyurethane board. This is typically supplied in 4 x 2 sheets is very expensive and difficult to install properly especially when it comes to joining corners etc. Builders generally do not like board for a variety of reasons mainly because it is bulky for storage , difficult to install, and incurs a lot of cut offs and waste. Other building systems will include constructing a hollow block wall and erecting a steel stud system internally and fitting board in between before finally fitting a gypsum board and skimming out.

The next option , the easiest option and the option makes most sense is to construct your cavity wall and install blown platinum bead prior to plastering. The benefits are obvious: No storage of board on site , no risk of the insulation been fitted improperly by block layers who have received no training or certification in fitting board.

Absolutely no wastage , installed by NSAI Certified insulation company’s who are fully trained in the process. The u-value which you require can be easily achieved by predetermining the width of the cavity at either 100mm /150mm, 200mm or for passive homes 250/300mm. The most common cavity width is 150mm which when filled with platinum bead achieve a u-value of .019.

So for your next project contact the experts . Premier Insulations. Your in safe hands.

Learn more about Premier Insulation Services

Premier Insulations are widely experienced in delivering a wide range of insulation upgrades to homeowners both privately and through a range of energy saving schemes provide predominantly by SEAI ( Sustainable Energy authority Of Ireland ).
The most popular energy saving improvements carried out are cavity wall insulation and attic insulation. Cavity wall insulation is advisable in all home with cavities build prior to 2006 and back to around 1970 when cavity walls construction superseded solid concrete or hollow block type walls. The cavities were empty up to around 1980 when building regulation required that 25mm areoboard be installed at construction stage to improve the energy efficiency of the walls. This was revisited circa 1988 when the requirement was revised to 40mm and again in 1994 the minimum required standard was 60mm.

In 2006 new building regulations were implemented which meant the required u-values could not be achieved with areoboard and there was a switch over to polyurethane boards as produced by Kingspan and others. A recommendation was made by those in the department, seai and other interested bodies that homes build with cavity walls prior to 2006 where the preferred method of cavity insulation be revisited and residual cavities pumped with platinum bonded bead to increase the thermal efficiencies. As a result of this government led initiate thousands of homes have and are benefitting from energy upgrades right across the island of Ireland .

Attic insulation upgrades were also part of the initiate and 300mm minimum install was required together with ancillary works such as pipe insulation , raised walkways , hatch insulation and draught proofing . The better energy homes and better energy warmer homes programmes are respectively grant aided or fully grant funded and have been widened to deep retrofit measures over. The last few years to include external wall insulation , internal wall insulation , windows and doors and heating upgrades and controls .
All this reduces Ireland’s co2 emissions , helps to provide a cleaner greener Ireland and protects our future generations against the damaging consequences of global warming.

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cavity wall extraction

Premier Insulations launch Cavity Extraction Service

Premier Insulations, Irelands leading Home Insulation company, have launched a new service for homeowners with cavity walls that had inferior cavity wall insulation done to their homes in the 70’s and 80’s and suffer from poorly insulated cavity walls.

During the 1970’s and 1980’s the vast majority of cavity walls were insulated using mineral wool. glass fibre, or white loosely filled polystyrene bead. These inferior insulation products have failed in most cases causing various problems including water absorption, settlement and shrinkage.

This in turn leads to large areas of the walls with no insulation resulting in significant heat loss, colder homes and higher fuel bills.

Premier Insulations can now remove this highly inefficient insulation with our Cavity Extraction Service.

To learn how Premier Insulations can remove inefficient cavity wall insulation visit our Cavity Extraction Service page of Contact Us to book a no obligation survey and quote nationwide.

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On The Road with Premier Insulations

Home insulation for city and country

Efficient home insulation is important whether you’re in the city or the countryside – and we’re doing both today.

We’ve a team bound for the South Circular Road in Dublin, to install cavity wall insulation in a home there. Meanwhile, another of our crews is busy at a home close to Tullamore in Offaly, doing attic insulation. Both homes will begin to benefit straight away from all that proper insulation brings – i.e. cosier living space and reduced heating bills.

Those are benefits we can bring to you too, no matter where you are in Ireland. Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch. We can even help with your Home Insulation Grant application, to get things moving for you.

Open post
On The Road with Premier Insulations

At work in Carlow and Dublin

We’re hard at work in Counties Carlow and Dublin today, with two home insulation jobs on the go in each location.

In Carlow, we’re doing cavity wall insulation in both Rathvilly and Tullow, while in Dublin, it’s attic insulation at Lusk and Coolock.

We can bring our attic insulation and cavity wall insulation systems and expertise to you too, no matter where you are in Ireland – you wouldn’t expect anything less from Ireland’s leading home insulation company! Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form to get in touch, and we’ll tell you what we can do for you.

Cavity Wall Insulation Limerick

We’re down by Shannonside today, with two of our teams in action doing Cavity Wall Insulation in Limerick.
One is at work on a new build home at Castletroy, on the outskirts of the city, while the other is installing FoamFill Insulation at an older house in nearby Lisnagry.
Calls are coming in thick and fast now from all over the country as people prepare their homes for the onset of winter with new or improved Cavity Wall Insulation and Attic Insulation.
As Ireland’s leading home insulation company, we send teams throughout the 26 counties, so we can come to you no matter where you are, to help make your home warmer.
Just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or use our Contact Us form. We can even help with your Home Insulation Grant application.

Open post
On The Road with Premier Insulations

Cavity Wall Insulation Monasterevin, Kildare & Quinagh, Carlow

At Premier Insulations we try to keep people up to date to where we are in the country and what industrial insulation and home insulation projects we have on each day. If you see one of our teams out and about and you have a question on home insulation or industrial insulation please feel free to stop and ask them. They would be delighted to answer any questions that you may have.

Our first project for today Friday the 5th September is cavity wall insulation in Monasterevin, Co. Kildare. Here we are using Foam Fill Insulation for a customer who has qualified for the SEAI Warmer Home Scheme. She’ll have a much warmer home this winter.

Our second insulation project is in Quinagh,Co.Carlow where we are  performing a cavity wall insulation using bead insulation.

Cavity Wall Insulation keeps the Heat in and saves you up to 35% on  your Heating Bills.

If you would like to know if you are eligible for the SEAI Grant please click here.

Open post
On The Road with Premier Insulations

Attic Insulation Gorey, Co. Wexford

Welcome to Premier Insulation’s Blog on what insulation projects we have going on around the country today. Remember if you see one of our insulation teams out and about and you have a question on home insulation or industrial insulation please do ask. All of our teams are very knowledgable and won’t mind answering your questions.

Today we are installing Attic Insulation in Gorey, Co. Wexford where a number of people have taken advantage of our Summer Sale on Attic Insulation and the SEAI Attic Insulation Grants to get a much warmer home this Christmas for a great price.

Attic Insulation Keeps the Heat in and reduces your Fuel Bills!


If you have any questions about whether you are eligible for the SEAI Attic Insulation Grant click here.

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