The Name You Can Trust | Est. 1984

9” Hollow Block Wall Insulation

Up to 60% of heat lost through Cavity Block Walls!

Cavity blocks (9” hollow blocks) were often used in the past for home construction due to cost considerations, and they are particularly common in the Dublin area.

This type of construction was very poor in terms of heat retention and comfort levels. Up to 60%of your expensive heat dissipates to the outside, leaving you to count the cost in heating bills.


Hollow Block Insulation in process

Disadvantages of a Cavity Block Wall

  • High risk of dampness
  • Drastic heat loss
  • High risk of mildew
  • High risk of mould appearing on the inner walls
  • Poor insulation
  • Low BER ratings reducing, the value of your home

Cavity Block Wall Insulation – What We Do

  • A lot of homes were built with cavity blocks in the eighties and nineties particularly in larger urban estates.
  • Theoretically if you could view a cavity block wall from the top down you would see columns top to bottom.
  • We drill 18mm holes (smaller than a 20 cent piece) into each cavity column and inject foam directly into these columns.
  • The foam expands to completely fill each cavity column within the wall
  • The process is repeated until every column is fully filled (see video)
  • We make good the holes and leave you to notice an immediate improvement in the warmth of your home


It is important to note that the nature of cavity blocks means it is not possible to insulate the full wall area, because of the bridging within the blocks. However, a full insulation seal is not possible either with dry-lining, a popular alternative to Foamfill cavity block insulation, and one which is more intrusive on your living space and costs thousands more.

Premier Insulations is one of the leading insulation companies in Ireland. We have hollow block wall insulation surveyors in every county and we can easily arrange for your local surveyor to call around and give you a free, no obligation hollow block wall insulation survey and quote at a date and time that is convenient for you.

We can also introduce you to friends and neighbours living locally where we have insulated their hollow block walls so that you can check the quality of our work with people in your local area.

To learn how we can save you money on your energy bills with Hollow Block Wall Insulation simply contact us on 1800 64­ 64 10 or fill in our Contact Us form.


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