Today (Tuesday June 30) sees our attic insulation teams busy in both the capital and the midlands, as we carry out work in Dublin and Offaly.
Our Dublin attic insulation team is in Swords, while our Offaly attic insulation team is in Portarlington. We know you’ll probably say ‘hang on,that’s in Laois!’, but remember that Portarlington is bang on the border, and our attic insulation team is on the Offaly side of town.
We get to know our way round quite well as we send attic insulation and cavity wall insulation teams all round Ireland. They can come visit you too – just call us at 1800 64 64 10 or fill in the contact form here to learn more about how attic insulation and cavity wall insulation can benefit your home.
We can help you too with your home insulation grant application.