Premier Insulations are widely experienced in delivering a wide range of insulation upgrades to homeowners both privately and through a range of energy saving schemes provide predominantly by SEAI ( Sustainable Energy authority Of Ireland ).
The most popular energy saving improvements carried out are cavity wall insulation and attic insulation. Cavity wall insulation is advisable in all home with cavities build prior to 2006 and back to around 1970 when cavity walls construction superseded solid concrete or hollow block type walls. The cavities were empty up to around 1980 when building regulation required that 25mm areoboard be installed at construction stage to improve the energy efficiency of the walls. This was revisited circa 1988 when the requirement was revised to 40mm and again in 1994 the minimum required standard was 60mm.
In 2006 new building regulations were implemented which meant the required u-values could not be achieved with areoboard and there was a switch over to polyurethane boards as produced by Kingspan and others. A recommendation was made by those in the department, seai and other interested bodies that homes build with cavity walls prior to 2006 where the preferred method of cavity insulation be revisited and residual cavities pumped with platinum bonded bead to increase the thermal efficiencies. As a result of this government led initiate thousands of homes have and are benefitting from energy upgrades right across the island of Ireland .
Attic insulation upgrades were also part of the initiate and 300mm minimum install was required together with ancillary works such as pipe insulation , raised walkways , hatch insulation and draught proofing . The better energy homes and better energy warmer homes programmes are respectively grant aided or fully grant funded and have been widened to deep retrofit measures over. The last few years to include external wall insulation , internal wall insulation , windows and doors and heating upgrades and controls .
All this reduces Ireland’s co2 emissions , helps to provide a cleaner greener Ireland and protects our future generations against the damaging consequences of global warming.